Labor Day weekend is coming up. With an extra day off, but COVID still having a significant effect on what options are available, I think this is a great weekend to check into some American History. We're facing an election in short order. Getting a reminder on what our founders went through in order for us to even be the United States of America can't hurt.
I recently finished watching Turn: Washington Spies on Netflix. I'm almost done reading a book on the same spy ring featured in the Netflix series. The show offers some extremely interesting views of what the 1776 timeframe might have looked like (but many of the boating scenes look like they were filmed in somebody's backyard pool) and the accents are charming to listen to.
The book offers quite a different fact pattern than the movie. I suppose the sex in the movie makes it more "alluring" to viewers. I don't know which is more accurate.
I hope you enjoy the extended weekend and that we all take some time to refresh on our country, our roles in the country, and appreciate what we have here.